Beirut Institute Summit Edition II convened a wide spectrum of thinkers including political leaders, senior policy makers, prominent intellectuals, leading CEOs, and civil society leaders to reflect on the evolving relationship between the Arab region and the world.

Beirut Institute Summit Edition II Policy Recommendations

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HE Noura Al Kaabi
Cabinet Member and Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development (UAE)
Gen. David Petraeus
Member, KKR & Chairman, KKR Global Institute, Former CIA Director (USA)
HE Nohad Machnouk
Minister Interior and Municipalities (Lebanon)
MP Alistair Burt
Minister of State, HM Government – United Kingdom (UK)
MP Alistair Burt
Minister of State, HM Government – United Kingdom (UK)
Najwa Kassem
Lebanese Journalist and TV Presenter, Al Arabiya (Lebanon)
HE Amre Moussa
Former Secretary General, League of Arab States
Thalia Dergham
Senior Insight Specialist, Net A Porter, Co-Founder, Beirut Institute
Dr. Abdulkhaleq Abdulla
Professor of Political Science, Emirates University (UAE)
Baria Alamuddin
Award-winning Journalist and Broadcaster in the Middle East and the UK, Editor of the Media Services Syndicate (UK)
Riad Kahwaji
Director of the Near East and Gulf Institute for Military Analysis
Safana Dahlan
Founder and Partner, SRD (Saudi Arabia)
Robert Willen
Managing Director, A.T. Kearney MENA (UAE)
Sabah Mushatat
Advisor, Investment and Reconstruction, Iraq Prime Minister Office (Iraq)
Parag Khanna
Geo-strategist and Best-selling Author (USA)
Rudolph Lohmeyer
VP Responsible for the Global Policy Business Council National Transformations Institute, A.T. Kearney (UAE)
Farah Atassi
President, National Syrian Women Association (NSWA)
لا يسعني إلا أن اعبر عن بالغ التقدير والإعتزاز لما حظيت به شخصياً والوفد المرافق من رعاية وإهتمام، وما لمسناه من حسن إستقبال وطيب وفادة، مشيداً بالجهود المميزة التي توليتي القيام بها بكل كفاءة وإقتدار لتنظيم هذا المنتدى الذي اتمنى أن يكون واحداً من أهم الملتقيات الفكرية في وطننا العربي.
معالي الدكتور عبداللطيف الزياني
الأمين العام لمجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية
It was a pleasure and a privilege to participate. Congratulations on a great gathering!
General David H. Petraeus
Former Director of the CIA and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, USA
Thank you once again for an excellent event. I made my summary of ideas and corridor discussions.
Dr. Andrei Fedorov
Chairman, the Fund for Political Research and Consulting, ISSA, Russia
The Beirut Institute Summit in Abu Dhabi was phenomenal in the diversity of talents and in the professionalism of arrangements. I felt the magic of lucidity and the depth in knowledge on the crowds in the beautiful hall.

I left the summit richer in my experience with admiration for the skills of speakers and the meticulousness of the organizers.
Ambassador Abdullah Bishara
President, Diplomatic Center for Strategic Studies, Former Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Kuwait)
أودّ وبالنيابة عن أسرتي أن أتقدم إليك بجزيل الشكر على تكريمنا كأسرة متميزة وتكريم أولادي أديب ودانة البلوشي من ضمن خمس شخصيات عربية وعالمية متميزة ومعطاءة في العالم. لا يوجد أرقى من هذا التكريم على قلب أي أم في العالم. بصراحة تكريمك لأولادي كان سبباً لذرف دموعي لحظة التكريم، و يا له من تكريم مشرف لا ينسى للتاريخ.
فريدة نوري
أم أديب ودانة البلوشي
The summit was very interesting and a great way to take the temperature in the region, so to speak. And the venue was excellent.
Andrew J. Tabler
Martin J. Gross fellow, Washington Institute, Author, In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle with Syria, USA
I wanted to thank you for the kind invitation to attend and participate in the Beirut Institute Summit. It was a tremendous pleasure and privilege to play a small part in such a remarkable gathering. I am deeply grateful to you for including me, and hope that my contributions were helpful.
Vance Serchuk
Executive Director, KKR Global Institute, USA
I am very pleased that the partnership worked out well and that the Summit was such a success.
Dan Faulks
VP, Communications, CNN International Commercial
The right forum at the right moment. Thank you and congratulations!
Dr. Louis Blin
Center for Analysis, Planning and Strategy, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
I want first to thank you sincerely for having invited me to the Beirut Institute Summit in Abu Dhabi. It was two days of intense work, meetings and discussions with very interesting people. I want also to stress that the organization was perfect.
Alain Gresh
Publication Director, Orient XXI, France
Thank you for including me as a participant at the recent Beirut Institute Summit in Abu Dhabi. Congratulations on a wonderfully organized and thought-through event. It was an honor to participate and I look forward to working together in the future.
Dr. John Duke Anthony
Founding President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, USA
Allow me to thank you for having me speak and be part of this Summit once again. It was great seeing you and your team. Also allow me to congratulate you for the job well done.
Ediola Pashollari
Secretary General, World Assembly of Youth (WAY), Malaysia
It was a grand affair in every sense of the word that allowed one to learn. As a frequent participant in similar gatherings, I am often stricken by the fact that one leaves a conference "empty" of any effective discourse, since one tends to hear the same messages over and over again. This was different. For the first-time in a long-time, I can honestly state that I left invigorated.
Dr. Joseph A. Kéchichian
Senior Fellow, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (Saudi Arabia-USA)
The summit was highly organized, notably in terms of the diversity of panels, rich debates and high-level discussions; the matter that provided us- as journalists- with an outstanding opportunity to interview such a wide-spectrum of international speakers and participants and write feature stories on the event’s affluent itinerary and program.
Lina Younis
Senior News Reporter, English News Announcer, Lebanon